Workout Recap Nov 3rd-9th

Happy Monday! (If there is something like that?) I’ve been working this morning and early afternoon on my holiday gift guides so be ready to start seeing those posts coming up soon! I do use Amazon affiliate links, so many of the links provided will lead you back to Amazon, and I may make a…

Getting Back into a Routine

  I know what you’re thinking. Getting back into a routine? Is this bitch crazy? The holidays are coming up and who has time for a routine!? Trust me. I know just how crazy it sounds. I promise. Especially coming from the Queen of Procrastination herself. But the craziness of the holidays is probably one…

October Wrap Up & What’s Coming Up for November

Holy hell! How is it already October 31st? Happy Halloween, I guess! This month has really flown by, and I regret that I wasn’t able to get out nearly as many posts as I had been hoping to get out. Which sucks, but it will only push me to get better at scheduling my content…

Workout Recaps: August 6th-12th

So…I don’t actually have any workouts to recap for this week. Womp Womp. Last year, after getting cleared to start running again, I was the heaviest I’ve ever been. And I think we all know that I’m not the most motivated and consistent person in the world (hello months long gaps in posting!). So when…

Workout Recap: July 30th-August 5th

This week went quite a bit better than last week as far as getting my work outs in went. So let’s jump in! Monday, July 30th-Max Trainer Intervals 14:00 We got a Bowflex Max Trainer about a month ago, and while I haven’t used it too much, it does do a pretty good HITT workout….

Workout Recaps-July 3rd-22nd

Yeah, I know this is a massive amount of workouts and training to catch up on, but I promise it will go fast! July 3rd- 2 Miles at Indian Camp Creek 35:37 17:47/mile While my training plan for my half marathon didn’t officially start until the following week, my friend Amy convinced me to go…