Flat on My Face

That little baby elephant right there? Yeah that was me in class last night. Class was going well, I was working hard and sweating like a whore in church person getting a great work out. And towards the end we start working our way into this pose. And I had it, but then suddenly my…


It’s crazy cold outside. Like note going to get above 30 degrees cold outside. Days like this seriously make me want to move somewhere warmer, like Hawaii. I think I could handle living on the island 😉 I spent a little time updating my recipes section of the blogs, so you can now find all…

3 Weeks is too long!

Ugh-I am already kind of wishing that it was vacation time already. I’m looking at some new books to download for reading and obviously all the down time I will hopefully be enjoying. Plus, I’ve been eye balling a couple new swimsuits to get on the trip since Victoria’s Secret is having a big sale…

Decisions, Decisions

Why is it that all the races I want to do are happening on the same day? Ugh, I was thinking about doing the Cowbell Half Marathon, but I found out that it happens the same day as the Racin’ 4 Rescues 5k, which I did last year and loved! So now I’m feeling a…


That would be “Thank God it’s a 4 Day Work Week” Seriously, the previous owner’s of the company were Catholic, so we get Good Friday off. WooHoo! My weekend was really nothing to write home about. No running, no yoga, and I didn’t accomplish hardly anything I wanted to. I need a serious motivational kick…

Missing the Weekend

I want my weekend back! M wound up not going fishing, but it wasn’t a huge deal. I still went to yoga Friday night and had a really good time. It was handstand night, and I didn’t smash my face into the ground like I was afraid of, and I didn’t kick a hole in…